Friday, February 20, 2015

Valentine's Day

We had lots of fun with candy hearts during our Valentine's Day theme.

One way we used them was to make patterns:

We also practiced counting and sorting with them. Learning is always more fun with candy!

We also made "love bugs" with the letters of our names. I think they turned out SO cute!

During the Valentine's Day party, we played a lot of fun games. One was a Hershey Kiss hunt. The kids looked for numbered kisses around the room and matched them to numbers on their plates. And then got to eat some, of course!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Winter Fun

It's been a while since I have shared photos with you, so I wanted to catch you up on some of the fun things we've done at Early Childhood in the past couple months!

Winter Party

Even though it was a snowy day, we had some fun at our party before break:

Making M&M trees

Snowman in a Bag:

Racing Snowballs: 

Marshmallow Snowflakes:

Snowman in a Bag:

Snowball Races:

Marshmallow Snowflakes:

When it's cold outside, sometimes we have to get our movement in the classroom! So we set up obstacle courses:

And have puppet shows!

On Groundhog Day, we enjoyed some special treats. In the AM class we ate cookies that had one light side and one side that is the shadow. In the PM class, Easton brought us groundhog cupcakes!

The rest of that week we had fun with shadows! We sponge painted to make a shadow, and we played with puppets and flashlights to explore shadows.

We also made groundhogs with our hand and foot prints! They turned out so cute!

During the week we talked about "opposites," we painted "clean" and "dirty" clothes and then hung them on the line.