I apologize to you all for not being as active on this blog during January, and I promise to improve in February! With settling back into routine after break and illness at my house, this month has been a blur.
We have been learning more letters each week and adding the actions for each sound to our "Action Alphabet" song. I plan to get a video of the kids singing this song posted here for you soon so you can practice it at home as well. Watch for that soon!
Our first week back we reviewed some basic skills and we also got to do a couple of the games that we had missed at our Winter parties. Here are a few pictures of the kids playing "Hungry Snowman."
During our "O" week, we studied opposites and had fun matching up things that are opposites. This can be a fun game as you drive in the car: Say a word like "big" or "hot" and have your preschooler come up with the opposite.
The "P" week was so much fun as we wore our pajamas, made mini pizzas with English muffins, and had a popcorn party! We also got to play with puzzles and play dough.
This week we are studying the letter Q, so we played a game sorting toys that were "quiet" or "loud." (I was so proud when one student said, "Those are opposites!") We are also going to practice patterning by decorating a quilt.
We have been working on spelling and tracing or writing our names and we will continue that into next month. We have also been working on cutting. At home, you can have your preschooler practice cutting by snipping straws, or cutting play dough, or cutting apart the little magazine inserts that are made of thicker paper.